Sunday, 1 February 2015

Day 10.5 - Kibo Hut to Hans Meyer Cave

We leave at midnight, very wary. We are dressed in all of the layers and have a couple more in our day packs. For the most part, we are ready!

Since it is dark, we can't see a thing past our headlamps. This is probably for the best. We start up the hill at a good, pole pole pace. the wind is kicking up a bit, but not too much. I have faced worse and colder winds. We get a bit higher up and it is starting to snow. Nothing major, just a dusting. Breathing is very hard. The hill is getting steeper and time is standing still. As we are walking on scree, ever step is a struggle. It really feels like we are not moving at all.

We make it to Hans Meyer Cave, the half way point, and stop for tea. We have been hiking for three hours, though it feels like much more. Our guide gets word from a group ahead of us that conditions deteriorate past the cave and they are coming back. Another group that is much closer to the top is on their way back down. There will be no summiting for any of the early groups. While this is disappointing, I am a bit relieved. I am mentally and physically exhausted. I have never been more drained in my 34 years.

Once back at Kibo (much quicker going down), we all pass out before our hike back to Horombo hut. We are all glad for both the increase in oxygen and the down hill.

It is much faster going back to Horombo that it was going up, partially because we took the far easier lower route.

Tomorrow's hike is 99% downhill.