This is a really awesome part of New York I can admit that I've never been to before. It reminds me a lot of the Beltline in Calgary in terms of architecture.
My hosts are amazing!
I got in at about ten at night and they were more than accommodating. We all stayed up for a few hours talking about everything and nothing. Awesome.
In the morning, I set out looking for a couple of caches. I was impressed that I found three out of the five I was looking for. Of the two I didn't find, one had WAY too many people around and the other was too dark to try for. Oh well, next time.
I was mildly disappointed that the caches in Central Park were mostly puzzle caches. Again, oh well.
As is par for the course in NYC, I did a lot of walking.
Robert F. Kennedy Bridge
Once I got on the island, I didn't really stop.
I ate.
I drank coffee.
I drank coffee.
I ate.
James had an audience with Pope Francis.
As one does
We walked some more. People are chirping on his Flames hoodie. Whatever, just because he likes a better hockey team than you do is no reason to take out your aggression on a teddy bear.
Big screen James in Times Square!
As is my habit when I go to NYC, I went to Central Park.
I love Central Park. I can't say enough positive things about it. I love urban parks in general but Central Park specifically.
I set out to find, as I always do, the Imagine circle in Strawberry Fields. And, as it always goes, I didn't find it. Well, both times I've searched for it, I have technically found it; I've just never seen it. The first time it was off limits for safety reasons (thanks, winds from Hurricane Sandy) and this time was because of the Marathon.
James at the finish line
There was more walking and talking to people.
I really do love New York City. The noise, the bustle, the architecture; it all reminds me of the things I miss about living in a big city. I love being lost amongst concrete monoliths and people who are lost in their own worlds. People care, just not enough to do anything about it. I miss an efficient, effective mass transit system. I miss that even in the chaos, there is order.
What's not to love?
Next: travel day!
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