Sunday, 11 December 2016

Big Smoke

I made a couple of decisions with the birthday trip this year that I'm not 100% confident in. They are all from lessons I have learned from the past and I'm trying to apply them in my life.

Lesson one:
Don't fly without sleeping.

The thing is, even if I set three alarms (laugh all you want, I've done it) or my flight is at a decent hour, I will still have nightmares about missing my flight because I slept through my alarm/didn't set my alarm. As a result, I will wake up frequently to check all three alarms. Yup, still set. Back to sleep and later, rinse repeat. Then my alarms go off and I don't feel rested.

I got four hours of sleep this time.
I was in a tiny bit of a rush with last minute things before I left the house, but nothing too bad. Then the cab was later than I'd like.

It's a pretty quick ride to the airport, especially at ass in the morning but it doesn't stop me from panicking a little. I've already checked in, I know the airport isn't busy, I have done this before. Breathe. I get to the airport and check my bag. The lovely WestJet man tells me I don't have to wait in line, I can use the self-service kiosk. No, I cannot. He assures me that I can and I tell him I can't because the last name on my passport is hyphenated and the machines don't like that. He insists on seeing this (not rudely, purely out of curiosity). I show him and sure enough. He says he's never seen it before but he doesn't see a lot of hyphenated last names. I eventually get my boarding pass from a person and breeze through security. It is now half an hour before my flight and I can admit to some minor panicking. I can also admit to some minor stupidity because I mistook my seat number for the gate number. Whoops. This isn't a big deal in YYT because you can stand at any point in the departures lounge and see all of the gates at once.

A few minutes after I get to the departures lounge, they call my flight. This is the closest I've ever been to the call and I don't like it.

In Toronto I have two plans: Canada's Walk of Fame and the Hockey Hall of Fame. It would be nice to get to Queen's Park but not going there - yet being so physically close and unaware - has become the cosmic joke of my life.

Prior to 2015, this side trip would not have been possible. It would have been and expensive and time consuming cab ride from Mississauga to Toronto with no guarantee of a timely return. In 2015, they opened the UP train, which operates from Pearson to Union Station, in the heart of downtown Toronto. It also costs $12 for a long layover (up to 7 hours) return, which is perfect for me. It takes about 25 minutes, which beats the hell out of at least 45 minutes in a cab at a cost of at least $50 - each way.  The train ride is excellent and I would highly recommend it to anyone travelling to/from Toronto. (The trip is also possible with a combination of GO Train and TTC, but the connection is a nightmare.)
There was the added bonus of a discount to the Hockey Hall of Fame and a couple of other sites with my ticket!

Cyclone Taylor, James, and Ken Dryden.

It is apparently the 100th anniversary of the Leafs which is worth celebrating? Or something. As a result, the first part of the hall is take up by Leafs everything. Boo Leafs. There is a video constantly running in the back ground (you can see it in the picture) of a bunch of former Leafs, Leafs broadcasters, Leafs spouses, and current Leafs talking about .... well, the Leafs. Not one mentions that the plural of leaf is leaves. The exhibit is full of all kinds of historical Leafs stuff. The video mentions Tim Horton and how he got in a car accident on his way home from seeing his friends and he died. Hats off to the mom who said to her young son, "Because he was drunk."

The HHOF is housed in a former bank. In one room is the actual Hall of Fame with names and trophies. It is overwhelming. On a platform at the front of the room is the actual, real life, Stanley Cup. There is a guy there to take pictures that you pay for, but apparently understands that not everyone wants the same picture/to pay for it. So you can take your own. And I did. James is here with the Calgary Flames. The guy said I could touch the Cup and I nearly cried; he said this was fairly common. 

In the vault area of the bank, you can see the old, original Stanley Cup. 



There are a lot of nifty exhibits and a lot of interactive things. I spent probably two hours wandering around. 

James spent time with the superior Eastern team.

Doc Seaman's Stanley Cup ring.

From the HHOF, I revel in the beauty of a city built on a grid system. How I missed you, grid system. 
Toronto manages to mess with the perfect grid system by giving the streets names instead of numbers and no wayfaring points. Sure, occasionally there are "points of interest" signs with a "five minute walk" circle in them, but no sense of direction or a "you are here" marker. Thanks, Toronto. 
Eventually I find the Walk of Fame.

In order: Glenn Gould, Michael J. Fox, Anne Murray, John Candy, The Tragically Hip, Robert Munsch, , Shania Twain, Terry Fox, Toller Cranston, and Celine Dion. Click to embiggen.

What sets Toronto apart from the rest of the world? What makes it a world class city?
A great big eyesore of a structure. A structure that is proud and free standing, just like Canadians. 

In short, the world's tallest, free standing phallic symbol.

It is time for me to get back to the airport. This is quick and painless thanks to the fantastic UP train. Well, mostly: Union station is under construction complete with blocked entryways and no clear directions. "Use door on north side of Bay Street." Well...okay, where's Bay Street? An arrow wouldn't cost more to print - just saying, Toronto.

Turns out, my flight is delayed. A lot. So I'm in Pearson for a LOT longer than I want to be. This is not enjoyable. While trying to rearrange connecting flights for the passengers, the airline notices I don't have a connection or a return from Beijing. I learn - after 35 years and 360 days - that my last name rhymes with machine. I go to the desk and explain that no, I will be flying out of Hong Kong on the 17th. No need to worry.

Next: China!

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