Friday, 2 November 2012

Air Canada Sucks

or: things that are not news.

In Trudeau airport now. This is the second airport of four I will be in today.

Of many lessons learned so far today, Air Canada's website lies.
I have become accustomed to the creature comforts of flying WestJet, including set back tv that works with single pronged headphones - you know, the ones that fit in everything that requires headphones. Everything, that ia, except Air Canada planes. You need  two pronged headset for no particular reason at all, despite the website and their twitter assuring you that you don't.

This will be my last trip on Air Canada.

Security at YYT was a joke. The lady wasn't at her post outside the screening area so I waited, making eye contact with her. She didn't move for about two minutes, just kept up her conversation with her coworker. I stepped in and started loading my stuff on the table in front of her and she glared at me, huffing that I cannot enter the secure area without authorization from CATSA employees. I told her I'd been waiting to be waved in for two minutes, its a 24 hour airport and she wasn't t her post. Her coworker said that I had very valid points. I think someone will be eating lunch alone.  CATSA Lady glared some more and couldn't believe that all I have for liquids or gels was my lip balm and toothpaste. I told her she was welcome to check my bags but it might cut into her social time and that out suck.
This will be why I am singled out for secondary screening in Calgary.

Screaming kids on air plane. Currently being glared at by parents with an SUV stroller for sitting against the wall by the gate typing on my charging touchpad. Its the only spot with an outlet and no one has told me to move. Please take your passive aggressive glares elsewhere. I hope your child doesn't inherit your douchiness.

More from Edmonton.

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