Part of the reason I chose this god awful route was the chance to see my mom.
I miss her a lot.
That's all I can say about that right now. We had a good visit. We went to see the crosses o Memorial Drive and to see my Gramma's grave.
What was not good was the flight from Edmonton. It was ln a dual prop Dash 8 POS. With a screaming infant child. I was, of course, sat next to the lady marinated in something god awful.
I don't think Air Canada knows anything about customer service. This isn't surprising. Flights were delayed out of Edmonton due to weather. Minor delays, no big deal. The big deal came when the ticket agent was not using the PA system to announce the departure of flights. She was bellowing it in to the arrival area. Because of this, one guy who was n the washroom missed his flight. The gate agent blamed him for not listening to the announcements. He rightfully pointed out that no announcement was made. The agent tried to say she made an announcement over the PA and everyone n the seating area said she didn't. She did not like this and snapped that he needed to buy a new ticket, the airline wasn't responsible for him missing his flight. I told him if he needed someone to back up his claim to email me. Several others did the same.
Now I sit in YYC international departures. There is no sound here, no airport chaos or TV. No shops. Its very strange. I will try to sleep ln this flight as it is almost 1030 p.m- for me.
More from London.
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