Monday, 4 November 2013

Sydney, Day One

Sydney is hot as balls. It is 34 degrees and a little smokey. The smoke isn't anything like I have experienced back home so I'm not all that concerned. I am, however, baking. I can't check in to my accommodations until 2 pm and it is only 10 am. I smell bad from being on an airplane for 14 hours and now I am walking in heat. I eventually check in and this is the view from the roof. It makes it all worth while.

I decide to go for a walk.. I get a little lost but figure if I can find the bridge, I can get to where I need to be. The streets around here are worse than at home as far as confusing goes. I don't mind because I'm in Sydney, Australia and if all else fails I know where I'm staying and can tell that to a cab driver.

After acquiring some food, I decide to wander a bit.

I don't know what kind of prehistoric bird this is but they are all over Circular Quay and other areas. They are noisy and brave - I couldn't get my camera out fast enough to take a picture of one going in to someone's grocery bag!

There are people playing didgeridoos everywhere and I can't help but laugh and think of mom and how much she hates them. In a related story - hey mom! Guess what I got you!

The wind picked up a bit, just enough to lower the temperatures to something bearable and blow away the smoke.

At the Sydney Opera House, there were a lot of people in bare feet on the stairs. These people didn't look poor or from a culture that was usually bare foot; they were just walking around without shoes or socks on like it was nothing and they weren't in public. Different strokes, I guess.

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