While searching last minute plans, I thought about going to Loch Lomond. I did not do enough research on this and took it out of contention as an option, thinking it was too far away.
After meeting my cousins it was decided we were going to Loch Lomond!
Again, I thought this was too far and was very appreciative of the offer. I thought it was a Calgary to Jasper kind of a drive, which is a bit much to do there and back in a day. Turns out, it's more Calgary to Turner Valley kind of a drive. Not bad at all.
What an amazing place.
I had no expectations for this place. I really only knew it from song - and I really only knew the song because of John Barrowman's verison of Loch Lomond (warning - glitteriest kilt EVER), which is how I learned that River of My Heart used the same tune and it blew my ever loving mind.
I'm glad I went into it knowing nothing. It is a beautiful spot and I am eternally grateful we went.
After learning what a hairy coo (pronounced "hoory coo") was, I made it a goal to see them. The original plan was to go to a tourist farm inside Glasgow on my birthday, but I slept in. Whoops.
When we got into the Loch Lomand area, coos abounded!
This Alberta girl was surprised that many of them were pregnant in the fall.
There is a hilarious video that should be here of me walking amongst the coos but alas, when my computer died so too did the videos.
We almost got taken out by a lorry on the narrow roads but Danielle managed to avoid it. Good thing, as I didn't have travel insurance!
We stopped for lunch and had fish and chips. No mushy peas. We had tea with it too, which was a bit odd for me (as tea isn't something you normally have with fish and chips here). Very good!
Later this evening, I meet with another batch of cousins. I don't think any of us thought to get pictures. Again, the resemblance was uncanny! Michael and Elizabeth have both been to Canada - Elizabeth was born here. His children have not though there is a standing invitation.
Meeting family like this is out of this world. Listening to them, hearing their stories, making the connections, all of it was probably the best birthday present I never expected.
Next: leaving.
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