I didn't take pictures for this portion. Whoops.
I did, however, have my passport and Aussie visa and that's all I need. I don't need things like locks for my backpack because why would they be in the same pocket they've always lived in? Who needs to lock check bags anyway?!
As I start contemplating how much work it would be to turn it in to a carry on bag (not much), my brain helpfully remembers that there are shops at the airport! One of those shops is sure to have a lock. Turns out my brain helped for once!
It is Hallowe'en! Kidlets are about, in their costumes and seeking candy. We had 10 or 11 kids before we left Ernie's house for the airport.
The itinerary is as follows:
4h 55min layover
Vancouver-Hong Kong
7h 55min layover (initially planned so I could have a day in Hong Kong. Given what's going on there at this moment, I made the wise decision to stay in the airport.)
Hong Kong-Perth.
Calgary to Vancouver was exactly as uneventful as you would think.
There are so very many duty free shops in the Vancouver airport. I've been to a lot of international airports and I've never seen this many. The airport itself looks like someone gave the architect the direction, "Can you make it look like a cabin but not one you could afford to stay in? And make it airy too! We're going to need lots of room for way too bright duty free shops!"
Our flight was delayed by about 4 hours. Good times.
This was also the time my brain chose to let me know it did not pack my air mattress or power bar. Thanks brain.
On my landing card I ticked the "yes" box to having been in the wilderness in the past 30 days because I couldn't remember when we'd been out hiking last. It was a quick and simple process with no dogs this time.
From here, things went minorly down hill.
My cards chose not to work in the cab. The driver took me to a bank machine where they also chose not to work. There was a lot of panic on my part (while trying to seem like I'm not panicking). It was about midnight at this point and all I wanted to do was get in and sleep. The cab driver agreed to come back the next day and get the cash.
When he did come back, he tried to make me feel guilty; he didn't have any other fares that night and hadn't had any that day either. None of these things are my fault, dude. You're not going to guilt me in to giving you more money. Have a nice day, improve your outlook and get more fares.
Next: Well I thought I broke in these shoes...
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