Saturday, 29 November 2014

Day five - Serengeti day two

More game drives. I am starting to get more than a bit grumpy because I am not used to driving in a vehicle for so long, essentially in a six hour circle, and not doing something.
Yay, giraffes. Woo. Yay, more impalas. Great.
It doesn't help that I don't get any sleep because a) I somehow found a rut to put my sleeping mat in and b) my tent mate is snoring and sleeping off half a Texas mickey of vodka.
We also heard lions and hyenas all night long. 

I nap as much as I can on the drive because I am grumpy and tired (and a bit bored).

Heard of Cape Buffalo

As with any place that is known for wildlife, if there are vehicles stopped, they are stopped for a reason.
It took a second to figure out why, then we saw it; a lioness under the tree!

Like most cats she didn't do much but sleep so we drove on.

We didn't get much further before this young male lion came out. Magnificent.
I could easily tell you that he was roaring at us but he's actually yawning. Apparently we disturbed his being a cat laziness.

Not the same lion.
We drove on a bit more but had to come to a stop. It was time for elephants to cross the road.

As the only Canadian on the tour, I was the only one looking for a spider web.

In the middle of the picture is the matriarch. She decided it was time for lunch on the other side of the road. There were probably about 60 elephants in total so we had to stop and wait for them to let us drive.

Baby elephants!
Hungry elephants
James and the elephants

We were more than a bit close to them.
The tour guide was amazed that I knew how to tell African elephants from India elephants. It is their ear shape - African elephant ears are shaped like Africa and India elephant ears are shaped like India. I know this because my Mom raised me to read all the signs and this was on a sign at the Calgary Zoo.

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