Monday, 24 November 2014

Day Four: Serengeti, day one

All we do in Serengeti are game drives.
The roads are dry and rutted and bumpy; we are bouncing out of our seats. I chip a tooth. Our guide tries to put a positive spin on it and call it an "African massage", but really it just jars your teeth loose.
We have to replace a shock on the bus.

We see a lot of animals, which is amazing.



Young giraffe

He kept looking at us.

Cape Buffalo

Hippos. You smell hippos before you see them.

Banzai and Shenzi (from the Lion King).

James at Pride Rock
Accommodations for two nights.
The sky in Serengeti is unlike anything. It is so clear and clean. The stars go on forever, countless wishes to be made. The sunsets and sunrises are awesome and would be more so if they weren't so damn early; we are almost exactly on the Equator so days and nights are equal. Our tour guide is a morning person too, which doesn't help anything. We are up at 0530 and on the road by 0645. Kill me.

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