Friday, 21 November 2014

Day Two - Mzungu

Nobody told me travelling like this would involve very early mornings. We have to be out of the rooms for 0630. In the morning. Gross. We are on the road for 0700. In the morning. Even more gross.

Our first stop is in the Great Rift Valley, which runs from Lebanon to Mozambique. This is huge and a great source of geothermic energy.

About half an hour later, we blew a tire. This turns out to be an open, but that will come in to play soon enough. 

 The tire is fixed quickly enough in the blazing heat and we are on to Kisii. 

Five of us decide to walk from our accommodations to Kisii Town. There are people, cars, cows, goats and chicken everywhere. People are shouting "Mzungu!" from the streets at us. We all smile, wave and call back, "Jambo!" (hello!). They are laughing at as when we scream a bit crossing the street (it is scary!) and take pictures of us. 

We are laughing at them and taking pictures of them taking pictures of us.
Troy showing a local pictures on his camera.

As we are making our way back to our accommodations, we come on a group of kids selling sweets. One person in our group turns the camera on his phone so the kids can see themselves.

They love this! We eventually make it back to the accommodations. The kids could see us and waved and jumped to get our attention. We kept shouting "Jambo!" back and forth until it was time for dinner.

Our accommodations.


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